The YouthLearn team has integrated these field-tested approaches to teaching and learning in a variety of projects over the years, driven by the mission to engage young people from all backgrounds in powerful learning experiences. Selected past projects that illustrate our approach in a range of settings include:
It has been a pleasure working with EDC in developing high quality professional development opportunities that directly respond to the academic and social/emotional needs and interests of our 21st CCLC program participants.
EDC has such incredible expertise in student-centered learning strategies and deep content. They continue to be a joy to work with.
The [Adobe Youth Voices] program has turned my job into something I look forward to going to every day. It’s a whole new direction for my youth development program. I’m looked at as one of the innovators in my field. I am truly thankful for the AYV leaders, Tony, Patricia, Kate, and others!
[The Adobe Youth Voices Guide] is a unique guide that helps educators to really get behind this program for student learning. The many templates saved me many hours of work and this gives me more time to teach, which is what I do well.